The musical instruments that I have
I am a music lover. And I like to learn music. So, l could play some musical instruments. The first thing I learned was the guitar. The first time, when I learned the guitar I haven't a guitar.
After that, my father brought a guitar to me. At that time I was in grade 6 school.
So, I studied very well and I passed the O.L. exam. My parents were happy that I passed the exam. They gave me a gift, it was a Yamaha program keyboard.
After I finished my A.L. exam, I worked in a garment factory in our village and I brought an electric guitar and guitar effect processor.
I had saved money since I was a child and with that, I bought a bass guitar.
I like to play the flute. So, when I hand to cash in my hand, I bought flutes.
And My parents brought a tabla because I joined a tabla class.